The company is located in Via Elettrochimica in Lecco, to reach us follow the directions provided by the map on the page.


Contact us

Enter your details and we will get back to you as soon as possible
  • Address:Via Elettrochimica 38/B, 23900 Lecco (LC)
  • Email:info@longhistampi.it
  • Phone:+39 0341 220350
  • FAX:+39 0341 220325


This section publishes information on public funding received by our company with reference to the disclosure obligations provided for by the regulations on transparency and publicity (L. 124/2017). State aids and De Minimis aids received by LONGHI LIVIO E C. sas are published in the National Register of State Aids, pursuant to art. 52 of Law 234/2012, and can be consulted by entering the tax code 009270132 in the search mask available at the link: LINK


In recent months our company has been busy implementing the project admitted and financed in the tender “INVESTMENTS FOR RECOVERY-Artisans Line” by the Lombardy Region, promoted with resources from Axis III POR-FESR 2014-2020 / Innovation and competitiveness.
The project focused on the introduction of a new NC machine which allowed the integration of new digital technologies into the production processes; has led to an increase in workplace safety and advantages in terms of energy efficiency. The project represents a significant action to strengthen the competitiveness of our company by focusing on four key factors: innovation, digital technology, sustainability and safety.